Noj Barker’s first ever print in a new Macro Series of limited-editions.
The print will only be available during a time-limited print drop, register via the link below so you don’t miss out!
Noj Barker is proud to announce “Earth”, the first ever in his new Macro Series limited-edition prints!
Renowned for his intricate dot paintings, Barker's first foray into macro creates a uniquely compelling composition whilst remaining true to the essence of his original format. The enlarged dots offer a fresh perspective on Barker's meticulous technique, allowing viewers to fully appreciate the nuances and textures that define his work.
Through his distinctive, trance-like approach to painting and the masterful use of colour, "Earth" vividly brings to life Barker’s deep meditations on the natural world. The interplay of harmony and chaos - a dynamic pervasive in nature yet frustratingly intangible - has long captivated Barker, fuelling his obsession with the idea that beauty and complexity can emerge from the simplest of forms: the dot.
Note: the print will only be available during the time-limited print drop. Click here to be notified.